The Benefits of Document Scanning

Posted by caroline on January 16, 2013

ScanSmart provides your business with the Document Scanning solutions you need.,Problems with paper clutter around the office? Having trouble finding those important records in a closet full of boxes? Sounds like your business needs to upgrade their filing system to a digital one, and convert those paper files to electronic files. Once converted, electronic files are easier to maintain, easier to retrieve, and will reduce clutter and increase space. Following are some benefits to enjoying an easier, cleaner, filing system.

Don’t Waste Time Looking for Documents

Do you have an idea of how many hours are wasted looking for your documents? You could be wasting up to two hours a day looking for documents. With an increase in demand in documents, the better chance that you’ll get overloaded. Lowering the time looking for important files is one of the main reasons to scan your documents today! (install an imaging system). This will allow you and your employees to spend more time doing what’s important instead of wasting time looking for documents.

Don’t Lose Files

With clutter and closets full of documents comes the potential to lose documents as multiple people handle them in any given day. This can lead to needless hunts for a document that’s been misfiled or left behind somewhere. With an electronic filing system, a document can be handled by multiple users and never be damaged or misplaced. This makes a document imaging system ideal.

Manage Documents Easier

So with a large amount of paper records comes the large amount of work to categorize, file correctly, track down, photocopy and move storage boxes full of files. Then there’s the process of destroying documents that are no longer in use. This can overburden a staff of a small business; a problem easily alleviated by document conversion to an electronic filing system. This would allow all those tedious time-consuming tasks to be completed at a computer with much less time. Need to go find a file and make a photocopy? Easier done at a computer as all it requires is a click of a mouse and a printer.

Keep Records Safer

Being properly prepared for a disaster means being able to recover from major natural disasters that can potentially wipeout your records. This use to mean keeping duplicates of all your records at an off-site location; Costly and cumbersome. Document scanning and imaging makes it much easier to protect your records in an electronic format like a CD or off-site server that can hold a file room’s worth of documents. This allows backups to survive in a secure location if your computer system crashes during a disaster.

Easily Distribute Documents to Others

Preparing documents for distribution is a painstakingly long, expensive process that requires many steps for distribution. If something changes on a document, it creates more of a problem to send out an updated copy to everyone. This makes paper distribution cumbersome.

Document scanning and imaging however streamlines the process and makes it much easier. This gives you the option of placing the documents on a CD for distribution or sending it via e-mail. With this option at your fingertips distributing documents over an office intranet or to other branches just became much easier than it used to.

With all this in mind, make the change from an outdated paper system to a new streamlined system created with document scanning and imaging so you can enjoy these benefits:

  • Manage records better
  • Find documents quicker
  • Eliminate boxes and save storage space
  • Prevent lost records

Save money, save space, save peace of mind with document scanning and imaging.